A Little Background.. I have a little side project that I develop when I have moments of spare time. It’s a configurable engine that aggregates news feeds, bundles them up and displays them through a variety of web sites and
Installing Postgres with Docker/Kinematic on OS X (in under 30 mins)
This is a quick guide to installing Postgres on OSX (10.9.4 Mavericks) using Docker + Kinematic. This is from an absolute Docker novice – and I managed to get it all up and running from scratch in under 30 minutes.
Hystrix (by Netflix) – Fault Tolerance in a Connected World
In a connected world our software solutions increasingly consist of multiple, distributed components. Service Oriented Architectures are nothing new, and with the growing interest in Microservices it looks like the trend to distribute is going nowhere soon. When dealing with
Building a HATEOAS Hypermedia RESTful Record Store Web Service with Spring
Introduction This is a very simple example of developing a hypermedia-driven RESTful web service, using Spring HATEOAS A companion project is available to download on github (using Java, Maven and Spring Boot) HATEOAS? What is it? HATEOAS (“Hypermedia as the
Querying XML CLOB Data Directly in Oracle
Oracle 9i introduced a new datatype – XMLType- specifically designed for handling XML naively in the database. However, we may find we have a database that stores XML directly in a CLOB/NCLOB datatype (either because of legacy data, or because
Data Pumper – Migrating Data from MySQL to PostgreSQL
I recently made the decision to migrate from MySQL to PostgreSQL (the reasons why to be covered later). I thought I’d just jot down my notes on a tool I tried which helped with the migration – SQL Workbench/J Data
MongoDB in 3 Easy Steps!
If you’re entirely new to MongoDB – this is just a very gentle introduction that gets you up and running with a sample database in just a few easy steps. It’s really easy to get started. The steps are: 1.
JPA Searching Using Lucene – A Working Example with Spring and DBUnit
Working Example on Github There’s a small, self contained mavenised example project over on Github to accompany this post – check it out here: https://github.com/adrianmilne/jpa-lucene-spring-demo Running the Demo See the README file over on GitHub for details of running
502 Proxy Error Using CometD, Apache and Camel
We recently hit an issue during testing with Apache returning “502 Proxy Errors” to clients who were connecting via CometD (using Apache as a proxy server in front of a Camel/Jetty CometD server). Our Setup We are using a
Analysing REST Web Services with Squid and AWStats
Background I’ve got a Java application running on Tomcat on Amazon EC2, which exposes RESTful web services delivering JSON to a variety of mobile apps and web sites. I’m running a Squid server as a reverse proxy caching in front